The invisible threat to the teeth - what is it and how to deal with it?

Невидимата заплаха за зъбите - коя е и как да се справим с нея?

Invisible to the eye, but quite accessible to the toothbrush.

Dental plaque covers our teeth almost all day long. It begins to form from 4 to 12 hours after brushing the teeth. Naturally, if they are not washed well, this period is shorter. It is precisely because of this specificity that dentists so persistently remind how important oral hygiene is at least twice a day.

Dental plaque, by its very nature, is a very thin layer that forms on the surface of the teeth and becomes an ideal "new home" for hundreds of microorganisms: epithelial cells, sialosaccharides, saliva, etc. When the acidity in the oral cavity is within normal limits, these microorganisms are aerobic, but when it increases and oxygen decreases, they become anaerobic and pathogenic in nature. Their accumulation gradually leads to thickening of the plaque itself.

When the problem becomes visible... this is a clear signal that the plaque build-up is in the next stage. The bacteria that are present in it create an even more acidic environment, which gradually begins to destroy the enamel of the teeth, and can also affect the gums. The color of the plaque begins to turn yellow, and along with this, bad breath appears.

When dental plaque hardens… this is the next stage, in which food residues, dead cells from the mucous membrane of the mouth, calcium salts from saliva are added to the accumulated plaque and it is mineralized, i.e. tartar is formed. It is usually found on the back of the incisors and the outside of the molars, where food most often comes into contact with the teeth during chewing.

How do we know there's a problem? Since dental plaque is invisible in the first stages of its development, you can count on the help of a dentist who, with special tablets called plaque staining tablets, can stain it and see if there are areas where it has accumulated excessively.

How to avoid this problem? Naturally, no one wants to visit the dentist frequently or wait for yellow teeth or bad breath to find out that unwanted plaque has built up. Therefore, to begin with, everyone can change some of their daily habits, some of which they do not even suspect are related to the formation of this unpleasant plaque on the teeth.

This is, for example, the consumption of harder fruits and vegetables (carrots, apples, etc.). Rubbing mechanically into the teeth and gums, they remove the accumulated microorganisms in a completely natural way. Another habit, however, harmful, should be reduced as much as possible - the use of sweet products. We usually remember the advice of dentists that they lead to the formation of caries, but not only... Microorganisms in dental plaque convert sugars into acids, which in turn further attack the enamel.

To these rules we must add some regular and timely measures that can prevent the appearance of plaque. Here are the most important of them:

• We should brush our teeth at least twice a day;

• Special attention should be paid to the line between the gum and the teeth, because this is where the most plaque accumulates.

• We should change our toothbrush often so as not to introduce additional harmful microorganisms and bacteria into the mouth - at least every 3 months and every time after a cold.

• It is desirable to use dental floss and an interdental brush to clean the spaces between the teeth, because 40% of the plaque on the teeth is collected there;

• It is a good habit to use mouthwash, which kills harmful microorganisms in hard-to-reach places - between the teeth, on the cheeks and the tongue.

• Toothpaste must contain fluoride to protect enamel from acid erosion;

We can find all these "helpers" in the fight against unwanted dental plaque at Edrogeria. We choose easily, order conveniently and very soon the invisible unwanted guest on our teeth will be a thing of the past!